Butte School District



Enrollment and Attendance Records

Average Number Belonging

Average Number Belonging (ANB) is the enrollment measure used for the State Foundation Program calculations as defined in § 20-9-311, MCA. The ANB of one year is based on the attendance records of the preceding year. Funding for districts is based on ANB, which is based on “aggregate hours” per year and must be accurate. “Aggregate hours” means the hours of pupil instruction for which a school course or program is offered or for which a pupil is enrolled.

For a child to be counted for ANB purposes:

a.         The child must meet the definition of pupil as found in § 20-1-101(10), MCA;
b.         Attending 181 to 359 aggregate hours = One-quarter time enrollment
c.         Attending 360 to 539 aggregate hours = One-half time enrollment
d.         Attending 540 to 719 aggregate hours = Three-quarter enrollment
e.         Attending 720 aggregate hours or more = Full-time enrollment

Enrollment in a program for fewer than 180 aggregate hours or pupil instruction per school year may not be included for ANB purposes, unless the pupil has demonstrated proficiency in the content ordinarily covered by the instruction as determined by the school board using district assessments.  The ANB must be covered to an hourly equivalent based on the hours of instruction ordinarily provided for the content over which the student has demonstrated proficiency.        20-9-311(4) (d).

Homebound Students

Students who are receiving instructional services, who were in the education program and, due to medical reasons certified by a medical doctor, are unable to be present for pupil instruction, may be counted as enrolled for ANB purposes, if the student:

d.         is enrolled and is currently receiving organized and supervised pupil instruction;
e.         is in a home or facility which does not offer a regular educational program; and
f.          has instructional costs during the absence, which are financed by the District’s general fund.

If a homebound student does not meet the criteria set forth above, the District may request a variance through the Office of Public Instruction, for consideration of the student in the enrollment count for ANB purposes beyond the tenth (10th) day of absence.

Attendance Accounting

Days present and absent for every student are to be recorded in each building, for the purpose of informing parents of a student’s attendance record.

On the first (1st) Monday in October and on February 1st (or the next school day if those dates do not fall on a school day), the number of all enrolled students (whether present or absent) by grade level and class will be recorded on the forms provided by the District. Special education children who are enrolled in special programs sixteen (16) hours or more a week will be listed separately. The Director of Special Education should be contacted to verify this count. Monthly student counts of enrolled children by grade and classroom will be provided by the office.

Legal Reference:        
10.20.102, ARM         Calculation of Average Number Belonging (ANB)

Procedure History:
Promulgated on: 10/18/04
Revised on: 11/21/16

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