Butte School District Infinite Campus APP Directions
NOTE: If you do not have a parent portal account, you will need to contact the Butte School District Curriculum Office (533-2548). You cannot download the APP until you activate your account through a computer.
- On your phone, go to the APP Store.
- Search for INFINITE CAMPUS MOBILE PORTAL, or if you are on your device follow the appropriate link below:
- Touch the CLOUD.
- You should have the ICON for Infinite Campus on your phone.
- Touch the Infinite Campus ICON.
- Enter: Butte in BOX 1.
Choose: MONTANA from drop down in BOX 2.
- Butte School District #1 will appear; touch this.
- The first screen will allow you to turn on notifications if you would like. Doing this will allow you to receive text messages regarding new grades entered; hot lunch balances; and absences/tardies.
NOTES Apple Devices:
- Click on the 3 horizontal white lines in the upper left hand corner to access your child’s information.
- Once you are on your child’s page, make sure you refresh to update information by using the circular arrow on the bottom left of the screen.
- District employees: If you receive a message regarding NO ENROLLMENTS, please contact the Curriculum Office.
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