Butte School District



School Year Calendar and Day School Calendar

The Board annually shall approve the dates for opening and closing classes, teacher in-services, the length and dates of vacation, and the days designated as legal school holidays. The school calendar shall meet the minimum criteria for aggregate hours for all students.

Commemorative Holidays

Teachers and students will devote a portion of the day on each commemorative holiday designated in § 20-1-306, MCA to study and honor the commemorated person on occasion. The Board may, from time to time, designate a regular school day as a commemorative holiday. School Fiscal Year At least the minimum number of aggregate hours must be conducted during each school fiscal year. The minimum aggregate hours required by grade are:

a)    A minimum of 360 aggregate hours for a kindergarten program;
b)    720 hours for grades 1 through 3;
c)    1080 hours for grades 4 through 12; and
d)    1050 hours may be sufficient for graduating seniors.

In addition, seven (7) pupil instruction-related days may be scheduled for following purposes:

1.    Pre-school staff orientation for the purpose of organization of the school year;
2.    Staff professional development programs (minimum of three (3) days);
3.    Parent/Teacher Conferences; and
4.    Post-school record and report (not to exceed one (1) day, or one-half (1/2) day at the end of each semester or quarter).

Saturday School

Pupil instruction may be held on a Saturday at the discretion of a school district for the purpose of providing additional pupil instruction, provided that:

(a) Saturday school is not a pupil-instruction day and does not count toward the minimum aggregate hours of pupil instruction; and

(b) student attendance is voluntary.

Legal References:  
§ 20-1-301, MCA    School fiscal year
§ 20-1-302, MCA    School day and week
§ 20-1-303, MCA    Conduct of School on Saturday or Sunday prohibited- exceptions
§ 20-1-304, MCA    Pupil-instruction-related day
§ 20-1-306, MCA    Commemorative exercises on certain days
10.55.701, ARM      Board of Trustees
10.65.101-03, ARM  Pupil-Instruction-Related Days Policy

Adopted on: 10/18/04
Revised on:  11/21/11

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