Butte School District



COVID-19 Emergency Measures   

Student, Staff, and Community Health and Safety

The School District has adopted the protocols outlined in this policy during the term of the declared public health emergency to ensure the safe and healthy delivery of education services provided to students on school property in accordance with Policy 1906, and a safe workplace when staff are present on school property in accordance with Policy 1909, and the safety, health and well-being of parents and community members. The supervising teacher, principal, superintendent or designated personnel are authorized to implement the protocols in coordination with state and local health officials.  

Symptoms of Illness

Students and staff who are ill, feeling ill, diagnosed as ill, or otherwise demonstrating symptoms  of illness must not come to school or work. Students who have a fever or are exhibiting other signs of illness must be isolated in a designated area until such time as parents or caregiver may arrive at the school to retrieve the ill student. All surfaces and areas should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected once the student has vacated the area by staff utilizing safety measures in accordance with state and/or local health standards as applicable. Students may engage in alternative delivery of education services during the period of illness or be permitted to make up work in accordance with District Policy 1906. Staff members will be provided access to leave in accordance with the applicable Master Contract or Memorandum of Understanding.

Parents, guardians, or caregivers of students who are ill, feeling ill, diagnosed as ill, or otherwise demonstrating symptoms of illness must not be present at the school for any reason including but not limited events or gatherings or to drop off or pick up students excepted as provided by this policy. To avoid exposing others to illness, parents or caregivers who are ill must make arrangements with others to transport students to school or events, if at all practicable. If not practicable, parents, guardians or caregivers must not leave their vehicle during pickup or drop off and must arrange with District staff to supervise students in accordance with physical distancing guidelines in this Policy.

Physical Distancing

To the extent possible, elementary school courses will be delivered to the same group of students each day, and the same teachers will remain with the same group in the same separate and designated room each day. If physical distancing is not possible during meal service and courses delivered in a separate area such as the library, gymnasium, and music room, the service or course will be delivered in the designated classroom for each group of students. Recess and use of playgrounds during recess are permitted on an adjusted schedule to maintain appropriate student groupings. Transportation services will be provided in accordance with cleaning and disinfection procedures outlined in this policy. Secondary school courses will be delivered using a restructured bell system to minimize student interaction in common areas. Upon arriving in a classroom, secondary school students will be provided disinfecting wipes or disinfecting spray and disposable paper towel and time to clean their learning area or desk. Meal service for secondary students will be provided through a grab and go lunch that will be eaten in designated areas. Parent arrival times to drop-off and pick up students riding with parents and caregivers will be staggered in designated intervals by grade level through a schedule set by the supervising teacher or building administrator. Drop off and pick up of students will be completed in a manner that limits direct contact between parents and staff members and adhere to social distancing recommendations in the exterior of the building.

Face Coverings as Personal Protective Equipment

Required Face Coverings

This policy applies during the COVID19 state of emergency declared by the Board of Trustees or other local, state or federal agency, official, or legislative body. This policy is adopted, implemented, and enforced in accordance with the supervisory authority vested with the Board of Trustees in accordance with Article 10, section 8 of the Montana Constitution. The Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent to develop and implement procedures to enforce this policy.

Staff, students, and visitors may wear a face covering, mask, or face shield while present in any school building or while riding on any school bus or van that is operated by the Butte School District. The School District does not require the use of masks in the buildings or on buses however, masks will be made available to students, staff, volunteers, and visitors while in a school building or riding in school transportation buses or vans.  

Allegations of harassment of any person wearing or not wearing a face covering, mask or face shield shall promptly be investigated in accordance with District policy. A student, staff member, or visitor who, after an investigation, is found to have engaged in behavior that violates District policy is subject to redirection or discipline.

Face coverings will remain optional for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year.  The Board of Trustees may review this option based on future status of the virus in Butte Silver Bow and Butte School District. 

 All points of entry to any school building or facility open to the public shall have a clearly visible sign posted stating the face covering or mask requirement.

 Allegations of harassment of any person wearing or not wearing a face covering, mask, or face shield requirement will be promptly investigated in accordance with District policy. Failure or refusal to wear a face covering, mask, or face shield by a staff member or student not subject to an exception noted above may result in redirection or discipline in accordance with District policy and codes of conduct, as applicable.

Required face coverings will remain in effect for at least the first four weeks of the 2021-2022 school year and will be reviewed after the start of the year and then monthly by Administration and Butte School Board of Trustees. Mask requirements may be modified or reduced based on the status of the virus in Butte Silver Bow and Butte Schools. Factors that will be used in decision making include, but are not limited to, local incident rate (new cases, per 100,000, 7 day rolling average), CDC rate of transmission (substantial or high rate) and district data related to school associated positive COVID cases and/or transmission.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

School district personnel will routinely both clean by removing germs, dirt and impurities and disinfect by using chemicals to kill germs on all surfaces and objects in any school building and on school property that are frequently touched. This process shall include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily. Personnel will clean with the cleaners typically used and will use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. Personnel will disinfect with common EPA-registered household disinfectants. A list of products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-is available from the supervising teacher or administrator. Personnel will follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products. The District will provide EPA-registered disposable wipes to teachers, staff, and secondary students so that commonly used surfaces (e.g., keyboards, desks, remote controls) can be wiped down before use. Supervising teacher or administrators are required to ensure adequate supplies to support cleaning and disinfection practices.

Student Arrival

Hand hygiene stations will be available at the entrance of any school building, so that children can clean their hands before they enter. If a sink with soap and water is not available, the School District will provide hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer will be kept out of elementary students’ reach and student use will be supervised by staff.

Healthy Hand Hygiene Behavior

All students, staff, and others present in the any school building will engage in hand hygiene at the following times, which include but are not limited to:  

  • Arrival to the facility and after breaks  
  • Before and after preparing, eating, or handling food or drinks
  • Before and after administering medication or screening temperature 
  • After coming in contact with bodily fluid
  • After recess  
  • After handling garbage
  • After assisting students with handwashing
  • After use of the restroom

Hand hygiene includes but is not limited to washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available. Staff members will supervise children when they use hand sanitizer and soap to prevent ingestion. Staff members will place grade level appropriate posters describing handwashing steps near sinks.

Food Preparation and Meal Service

Facilities must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations and guidance related to safe preparation of food.

Sinks used for food preparation must not be used for any other purposes.

Staff and students will wash their hands in accordance with this policy.

Transportation Services

The Board of Trustees authorizes the transportation of eligible transportees to and from the school facility in a manner consistent with the protocols established in this policy. The transportation director and school bus drivers will clean and disinfect each seat on each bus after each use.

Public Awareness

The School District will communicate with parents, citizens, and other necessary stakeholders about the protocols established in this policy and the steps taken to implement the protocols through all available and reasonable means.


This policy in no way limits or adjusts the School District’s obligations to honor staff and student privacy rights. All applicable district policies and handbook provision governing confidentiality of student and staff medical information remain in full effect.

Legal Reference     

Governor’s Directive Implementing Executive Order 2-2021 – February 12, 2021
Correspondence clarifying Governor’s Directive – February 11, 2021 Article X, section 8  Montana Constitution Section 20-3-324, MCA  Powers and Duties
Section 20-9-806, MCA          School Closure by Declaration of Emergency 10.55.701(2)(d)(s) Board of Trustees State, ex rel., Bartmess v. Helena Board of Trustees, 726 P.2d 801


Cross Reference:     Policy 1901 – School District Policy and Procedures
                                    Policy 1903 – School District Events and Meetings
                                    Policy 1903F – School Events Notice
                                    Policy 1906 - Student Services and Instructional Delivery
                                    Policy 1907 – Transportation Services
                                    Policy 3410 – Student examination and screenings
                                    Policy 3226 – Bullying and Harassment
                                    Policy 3417 – Communicable Diseases
                                    Policy 3431 – Emergency Treatment
                                    Policy 5015 – Bullying and Harassment
                                    Policy 1910 – Human Resources and Personnel
                                    Policy 4120 - Public Relations
                                    Policy 5002 – Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
                                    Policy 5130 – Staff Health
                                    Policy 5230 - Prevention of Disease Transmission
                                    Policy 6110 – Superintendent Authority


Policy History:

Adopted on: 03/25/21
Reviewed on:
Revised on: 06/21/2021/8/16/2021, 02/22/2022, 03/04/2022
Terminated on:                    

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