Butte School District



District Policy

Adoption and Amendment of Policies

Proposed new policies and proposed changes in existing policies shall be presented in writing for reading and discussion at a regular or special Board meeting. Interested parties may submit views, present data or arguments, orally or in writing, in support of or in opposition to proposed policy. Any written statement by a person, relative to a proposed policy or amendment, should be directed to the District Clerk prior to the second (2nd) reading. The final vote for adoption shall take place not earlier than at the second (2nd) reading of the particular policy.

All new or amended policies shall become effective upon adoption, unless a specific effective date is provided in the motion for adoption.

Policies, as adopted or amended, shall be made a part of the minutes of the meeting at which action was taken and shall also be included in the District’s policy manual. Policies of the District shall be reviewed annually by the Board.

Policy Manuals

The Superintendent shall develop and maintain a current policy manual which contains the policies of the District. Each administrator, as well as staff, students, and other residents, shall have ready access to the manual. All policy manuals distributed to anyone shall remain the property of the District and shall be subject to recall at any time.

Suspension of Policies

Under circumstances which require a waiver of a policy, the policy may be suspended by a majority vote of the members present. In order to suspend a policy, all trustees must have received written notice of the meeting, which included a proposal to suspend the policies and an explanation of the purpose of such proposed suspension. If such a proposal is not made in writing in advance of the meeting, the policies may only be suspended by a unanimous vote of all trustees present.

Legal References:
§ 20-3-323, MCA           District policy and record of acts
10.55.701, ARM            Board of Trustees

Policy History:
Adopted on: 10/18/04
Revised on:




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