November Buzz

Emerson Buzz                                                                                                                                           

Nov. 2, 2022

Be Safe                     Be Responsible                        Be Respectful


Nov 7—Food Drive Kickoff

Nov 9—Emerson Day! Wear your Yellowjacket attire!

Nov 10 —Evening Parent/Teacher conferences

Nov 11 —NO SCHOOL—Parent/Teacher conferences

Nov 17—Cat/Griz day—Wear your fan gear!

Nov 18—Picture retakes

Nov 23—Early dismissal for Thanksgiving/ End of food drive/Hero Party           

K-2nd      12:15 pm dismissal  

3rd-6th   1:00 pm dismissal

Nov 24 & 25—NO SCHOOL - Enjoy Thanksgiving!

Nov 28—End of Term 2

Dec 2—Report cards go home


PTO Fundraiser/News: Thank you to everyone who participated in our Fall Fundraiser! PTO will need some parent volunteers to sort candy when it comes in November. Please follow the “Emerson Elementary PTO” Facebook Page to stay updated. Our PTO is the very best. Thank you for all you do for our school!

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Please make sure to send letters back regarding conferences! These letters should go home with students on Wednesday, Nov 2nd. Evening conferences are on 11/10, and morning conferences continue on 11/11 (No School for students.) If guardians can’t make the scheduled time, they will need to contact the teacher to reschedule.

5th/6th Boys Basketball: Access standings/schedules here:

Water bottles: Please make sure your child has a water bottle at school. Kids are constantly asking for cups, which are running very low.


We had a wonderful Term 1 celebration for our Emerson Heroes! A big thank you to Ms. Lynch for organizing it. Heroes were selected based on the following criteria: being Healthy, putting forth their best effort in Education, Respecting others, and Being Open-Hearted. Keep up the good work, Yellowjackets!


A big Congrats to our wonderful counselor, Mr. McCaughey! He was one of the 20 Under 40 recently honored in the Montana Standard. We know we are very lucky to have him. He works hard; he’s always willing to help; and he’s got a great sense of humor. Thanks for everything, Mr. McCaughey!

Our school theme this year is “Learning Around the World.” We have some really fun decorations around the school. We also do a world fact about a different country every morning on our announcements. Here are some facts about Thanksgiving around the world:

Thanksgiving as we know it is celebrated by the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia. Many other countries host similar celebrations to celebrate harvest or the autumn equinox. Those countries include the Netherlands, Rwanda, Brazil, and the Philippines. Grenada’s Thanksgiving celebrates the U.S. led invasion in 1983. Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom all have festivals with kindred connotations. Hope all of our Emerson families enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday, no matter how you celebrate!

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