Track Is Starting

Track Is Starting

Whittier is known for its awesome/outstanding numbers of kids who participate in track.  Our 4-th -6th graders will start track practice right after Spring Break.  Practice will start after school on April 3rd.  Practice will run from 3:10-4:00.  Wednesday’s Whittier will be walking to East Middle School to practice with the Butte High team.  They will need to be picked up at east @ 4:30 on those days.

We expect all students participate.  This is a good way for them to learn new skills, be part of a team and become a true member of the Whittier community.  Please encourage your kids to participate, even if they don’t think they are any good or would be good at track.  It is about more than being good, its about building friendship’s and forming  life long Whittier Pride!  With that being said, those that are in track, just like any extracurricular school activity will be held to higher standards.  If their grades are not where they should be or they have major behavior issues they will not participate and wear the Whittier jersey!  It is a big deal to represent our community and it should be held in high regards.  Thanks for your help in getting our kids to be active and GO WILDCATS!!

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