Our Mission
Butte Public Schools will create, in partnership with our staff, families and community, challenging opportunities for all students to be successful as they become responsible and contributing citizens, and master the knowledge and skills essential for life-long learning in our changing and diverse world.
Our Vision
Butte Public Schools will create a progressive, educational environment in which each day, each student achieves success in a safe, positive, supportive and orderly learning environment.
Our Beliefs and Values
- A safe and caring environment will exist in all schools.
- Education will be a primary responsibility and investment of society.
- Butte School District No. 1 staff members are valued. Staff members will beinvolved in professional growth and development activities.
- Students' self-esteem is important; they will feel valued as human beings and successful as learners.
- All students will learn to become responsible partners in their education and contributing members of their community.
- Students will develop a foundation of technological knowledge that will enable them to access, use and evaluate information.
- Cultural and social diversity are strengths - feelings and beliefs of others will be respected.
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